Godlis shot Pistols


Street photographer Godlis loves movies, and he is an official photographer at the annual New York Film Festival in Fall, shooting all those directors and actors on the red carpet. However, the photos he just sent to us look something different.
We see the red carpet on apparently a sidewalk of somewhere in NYC, and the wall is decorated with familiar looking images.


In fact, this is not the festival, but the premier event of PISTOL, a mini drama series about the UK punk band Sex Pistols.

The series is based on the memoir of Steve Jones, guitarist of Sex Pistols, and directed by Trainspotting director Danny Boyle, premiered on streaming services in the UK and the US from May 31st. The event took place right before it in NYC, where Godlis photographed the director and actors, as well as Steve Jones and Paul Cook (Pistols' bass player).

Director Danny Boyle

the main cast of the show

Steve Jones

Paul Cook
And Godlis did not miss the exterior of the theater: "The exterior of the Metrograph Cinema set up to look like Malcolm McLaren’s UK shop SEX where the Sex Pistols were formed."


And the good news is the series would be available in Japan this week, from July 13th; by looking at the trailer on YouTube, you could tell that not only the band and music, but they seem to nail all details like the UK fashion and culture back in the period, so naturally our expectation goes up high!

Godlis also shared on his Instagram this photo of John Lydon = Johnny Rotton from 1980, when he came to NYC with his then new band P.I.L.
Interesting to see a dead calmness in this photo of him who is famous for being provocative and aggressive on stage!
